Once Upon a Sock: October 2019

It’s OuaS time again, our monthly round up of sock related nattering hosted by Paula of Spin a Yarn! Do come join us on the first Thursday of the month and chat about your sock progress (or not) and ideas.

I got a significant way into my foolish sock from last month and then had to accept that no, a contrast foot was not going to be quite the thing. So I cast on again with the contrast colour and it will join the first sock in having a contrast toe.

*baas sheepishly*

It’s only at the heel turn now though because I was tempted away to start my long awaited Incunabula when I went on a craft/tea/chilling weekend away with some friends. Which, followed by some further but unexpected travel (funeral on my husband’s side of the family), has been growing in leaps and bounds while poor sock has lived forlornly in my bag.

But. The cardigan has now reached the ‘can not be knitted on the commute’ stage, so forlorn pink sock will be back out on the commute so I anticipate having it done by the next OUaS. At least, I certainly hope so! It is only a trainer sock, after all!

We have been doing further organising in our spare room/craft fleapit so I hope to have a proper shuffle through the yarn stash for something to be an actual full sized pair of socks. We shall see!

2 thoughts on “Once Upon a Sock: October 2019

  1. Love that bright color! Fingers crossed for you to get in some commute time knitting 🙂 A whole weekend away with friends for tea and knitting/crafting sounds like a dream.

    I’m kinda sorta getting something like that this weekend when I go to the yarn festival. We’re leaving tomorrow afternoon and staying overnight. I know we’ll get a lot of knitting done that evening since all of us knit and we don’t have any other plans other than to go out to dinner. We go to the yarn festival on Saturday and then drive the two hours back home. Should be fun!


    1. I have turned the heel and am decreasing happily so fingers crossed!

      Your yarn festival trip sounds fab! We tried including a yarn festival in our weekend a couple years ago but we all decided it was Too Much. Perhaps one day, we can have a OUaS weekend! When we’ve all won the lottery, sadly. 😉


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