Once Upon a Sock – May 2019

It is Once Upon a Sock time, where crafters get together and talk about socks we’ve made or are making. It’s kindly hosted by Paula at Spin a Yarn, so pop over there to join the link up! 

An actual sock!

Look, it is an actual sock that has actually been worked on, instead of being shunned in a bag. It is the sibling sock to last month’s Hortensia with my additional, uh, Design Choices. As you can see, I am actually all the way down to the toe stripes, so perhaps I will finish it this bank holiday weekend.

Then I will have to pick a new sock and see if this whole ‘small needles/small yarn’ thing keeps working for me. I can’t attend a mini-OUaS meet up with no socks on the needles! 😉

Yeap, hopefully next month I will be able to bring you photos of OUaS socks and their knitters in the flesh. It’ll be great fun, I’m very much looking forward to it.

In non-sock news, my cowl is finished but still needs seaming. Unfortunately, due to “helping” from one of the cats while it was blocking, it may need another block to remove the signs of a snooze from it. Oh, cats! I thought it would be too damp for them but apparently not!

My Sweetpea crochet blanket continues; I may have fallen asleep while under it (and a cat), mid-crochet. Ooops. One and a half stripe sets to go!

2 thoughts on “Once Upon a Sock – May 2019

  1. I love it! The colors are so pretty and the design looks so intricate. Now you’ve made me think I need to bring a pair of socks to work on when I was only going to bring a Sockhead Slouch Hat to work on…Sock yarn is little, as are the needles, right? And what is a OUaS pic without socks? Hrm…decisions, decisions 😀 I cannot wait to meet you!!!!


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